'I could hear the wood crackling': Residents recount escape from fast-moving flames of Colorado wildfires

LAFAYETTE, Colo. — On Thursday afternoon, Forrest Smith was sitting in his Louisville home watching the daylight change from light to dark as smoke filled the air. Eventually there was so much of it that the smoke detector in his house went off. He saw flames on a nearby golf course and tried to call to see if anyone was trying to put it out, he said.

Puerto Rico’s nonprofits fear history repeating itself in homeless aid

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit Puerto Rico in March, many homeless relief organizations have been scrambling to meet the basic needs of the island’s homeless population because the majority of federal homeless aid that was allocated has not yet reached them. Given the territory’s record of mismanaging disaster relief, homeless assistance and community development funds, fears are mounting that history may be repeating itself. Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act pas

Communities struggle to make best use of COVID homeless aid

Winter in Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge is wet and freezing, a life-threatening situation for the area’s homeless residents even without a pandemic. Darcy Long-Curtiss understands that better than most. The shelter that normally provided nighttime refuge was closed because of COVID-19, and federal aid money meant to help protect homeless people from the pandemic came late and with confusing restrictions.

Suicide hotline offers young people hope and a chance to talk with peers

PHOENIX – The small office building, nestled just off the road near a medical office and appliance store, looks more like a house where a quiet family might live. The only signs of activity are the cars in the small parking lot out front. Most passersby likely have no idea what goes on behind the dark purple door; an intercom doorbell ensures that only those who belong are allowed in. There are no signs outside, only inside, such as “You Matter” and “Happy Thoughts.”

COVID-19 is ‘a crisis within a crisis’ for homeless people

A homeless man sits by his belongings at the Lots, a county-run outdoor encampment in downtown Phoenix, on June 24, 2020. Homeless people are among the most vulnerable populations in the COVID-19 pandemic, yet they're largely invisible victims. Very little is known about how they're faring. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which oversees homeless programs, has not required its national network of providers to gather infection or death data, even though homeless people, unlik

Closed racetracks are leaving many thoroughbreds with nowhere to go

Thousands of racehorses have been idled since the coronavirus pandemic overtook the country in mid-March. When thoroughbreds cannot compete, there is no prize money to pay owners, trainers, jockeys, and stable hands, or to pay for room and board. That includes Churchill Downs, where the Kentucky Derby will not be held Saturday. But there are other victims — the four-legged ones — and there may be no return to work for many of them.

Is Arizona's model for veteran suicide prevention the answer?

Navy veteran Tim Peña sat on the laminate wood flooring in his studio apartment for three days. There was no TV or radio, just his thoughts. He thought about how to slit his wrists or throat without getting blood all over the floor. He thought about how to clean up the blood if he survived, or how his family would have to walk through it to collect his things if he succeeded. He thought about the veteran in his cellblock who had committed suicide a few days earlier by slipping the blade out o

Busy Philipps tells Congress about her abortion at 15 in Arizona

Busy Philipps testifies before Congress about her abortion at age 15 in Arizona Actress Busy Philipps opened up about the abortion she had at 15 in her home state of Arizona in testimony before Congress on Tuesday. “It was not a decision that I made lightly, but I have never for one second doubted that it was the right decision for me," Philipps said during a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing on threats to reproductive rights in America. Philipps, one of eight witnesses to testify, detaile

Physiotherapy in the UK: Alumna Makes Her Mark in London | School of Pharmacy and Health Professions | Creighton University

Andrea Millea, DPT ’13, has been working as a physiotherapist in London since the summer of 2016. Millea moved to London due to a residency program her spouse was offered, and was able to put her own degree to work in the United Kingdom. “Working here has given me a much broader view of global health, seeing the pros and cons of a very different health-care system and education process,” Millea says.

Creighton University : Red Mass celebrating legal professionals will be held at Creighton University

The Creighton University School of Law will celebrate the traditional Red Mass to mark the opening of the fall term of the courts at 5 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 3 in St John’s Church on the University campus. The Most Reverend George J. Lucas, archbishop of Omaha, will be the presider along with concelebrants University President the Rev. Daniel S. Hendrickson, SJ

Training the extraordinary: Clinic preps Special Olympics hopefuls for competition

A determined group of athletes got a little boost from Creighton University’s Pediatric Therapy and the Special Olympics Young Athletes program. A recent clinic aimed to prepare the youngsters for upcoming competition in the Special Olympics. Twice a week for two months earlier this year at the Creighton Pediatric Therapy Clinic in west Omaha, the budding athletes had an opportunity to hone their skills in preparation for the games with the help of physical therapist Kayce Marsh, an adjunct instructor in the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions.